...with Indiana PTA???
In order to be considered an Indiana PTA Unit in “Good Standing” your unit must submit the following items to the Indiana PTA State Office.
*Please note: Your FSR will help you with most of these items
*Please note: Your FSR will help you with most of these items
Officer's ListAs soon as your board's officers have been voted in, please submit their information to Indiana PTA with the link above. Without your current officer's list we cannot:
BylawsReviewed and Approved every five (5) years. Contact your Field Service Representative to find out when your unit's bylaws are due for renewal. Your FSR will be getting with you soon to make sure you are up to date. If you need a copy of your current bylaws let us know. You should always have a copy of your current bylaws on hand that can be provided to your membership if requested. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANY TIMES, SCHEDULES, DUES AMOUNTS, ETC UNTIL YOU RECEIVE YOUR APPROVED BYLAWS BACK FROM INDIANA PTA. Membership DuesYour unit should be collecting dues per your bylaws. Your first round of membership dues ($5.25 per member) are due to Indiana PTA by November 15. To stay in good standing you must have at least 20 members for the fiscal year.
Fall Membership Deadline: Must be postmarked and sent to Indiana PTA by November 15.
Spring Membership Deadline: Must be postmarked and sent to Indiana PTA by March 15.
Please download a copy of the membership spreadsheet for your records and edit it from there. A copy of your membership spreadsheet should be included with your remittance form to Indiana PTA. |
Annual Indiana PTA TrainingAll units must participate in an Indiana PTA sponsored training each year. Indiana PTA will be posting upcoming dates soon. TaxesFederal- The IRS Form 990/990-EZ or Form 990-N (e-postcard) is due November 15 to the IRS and Indiana PTA. If your average revenue is more than $50,000 a year over a 3 year period, your FSR will work with you to file a longer form. Your Field Service Representative (FSR) will file your 990-N with the IRS and Indiana PTA.
State- In 2023 the Indiana Department of Revenue changed how NP-20s are filed. Indiana PTA now files this for each of our units on a rolling 5 year schedule. Please click the link below to find our your year and be on the lookout during that fiscal year for a letter from the Indiana Department of Revenue. As soon as you receive it, please send a copy of your Field Service Representative (FSR). Financial Review/Audit The fiscal year wraps up on June 30 each year. Once you have your June 30 bank statement and have double checked your books/paperwork, contact your FSR to set up a pickup date. Our goal every year is to complete our reviews no later than mid August. November 15 is the deadline for your FSR to submit this to Indiana PTA, but FWCS requires the same paperwork by October 1. Please note: Between the end of the fiscal year and the time you get your books returned you should not be spending any money. Fort Wayne Area PTA Council has a strict date of August 1 to turn in the names of any school's who have not turned in their records or been in touch with their FSR. InsuranceAll units must have insurance. FWCS covers our units, but we must have our Parent Organization Forms up to date (see below). Non-FWCS units: Aim Insurance is a good company to get your coverage through. |
...with FWCS???
Each school year our PTAs must renew their Parent Organization status with FWCS. These are due to your Principal by September 1. Once your Principal verifies everything and signs the POH renewal form they forward all of the paperwork to Kim Szobody with FWCS.
Your FSR will submit the application to your Principal with the following paperwork by September 1, signed by them, and then passed on to Kim S w/ FWCS by October 1.