You are Your Child’s Advocate Make Your Voice Heard with Membership in Today’s PTA
Being a PTA advocate means lending your voice to issues that affect your child at home, at school and in the community. With PTA, you are able to better share your ideas with other parents, teachers, school administrators and community leaders to become part of the decision-making process. Your voice matters!
Membership in PTA gives you access to resources, tools and help from other PTA members to create a strong voice to effect change for your child. Founded in 1897, PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy association in the United States with more than 4 million members. Speak up for your child.
Local ✓ Tips on speaking with your child's teachers and principal. ✓ Parents' Guides for Student Success to help you reinforce learning at home. ✓ Notices of when school board meetings take place and how you can get involved. ✓ How-to instructions on writing a letter to the editor concerning issues you are passionate about.
State ✓ Tools to write to your state legislators about issues that affect your children. ✓ Instructions for meeting with your state leaders to discuss important issues. ✓ Opportunities to attend your state PTA's convention or advocacy days.
National ✓ Access and send an email to your member of Congress on issues important to students, plus get ready-to-go talking points. ✓ Resources and training on how to effectively meet with your Congressional leaders to discuss important issues.